Dreaming about someone who passed away can be intense and chilling. For many of us, the dreams are extremely vivid and the person you’re dreaming about seems very much alive.
These dreams can be joyful, but also scary or disturbing. Whatever your experience, you should know that dreaming about someone you lost is actually super common.
“Dreams about loved ones who have passed away can be quite common and are a normal part of the grieving process,” says Michelle King, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist based in Southern California.
In fact, one study found that almost 60% of people who’ve lost loved ones have dreams about them. Most people reported their dreams were both positive and also unsettling, though a few shared that these dreams were primarily unsettling.1
Here, we’ll take a closer look at what it means when you dream about someone who died, including the basics of dream interpretation, grief and healing through dreams, and what the different types of dreams about a lost loved one might mean.
“It’s important to remember that dream interpretation is not an exact science and can vary greatly depending on cultural, personal, and situational factors,” says King. Still, she says, these dreams can definitely give us info about our own grief journeys.
For example, a dream of this kind might symbolize the person’s enduring influence on your life, potential unresolved issues you may have with them, or your ongoing feelings of loss and longing for them, King says.
Margaret Pendergrass, LCSW, GC-C, a licensed clinical social worker and a certified grief counselor in Roswell, GA, says it makes sense that the emotion of grief comes up frequently in dreams. “We are still trying to make sense of the loss of a loved one, which can otherwise feel pretty senseless,” she explains. “Having a grief dream only means that our brains are still trying to process what we have experienced.”
Grief and Healing in Dreams
Grieving is a process, and although no two journeys are exactly the same, most people go through about five stages of grief, which were first identified by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. These include:4
The stages of grief can be in different orders for some folks, and may include other stages and feelings. People also take varying amounts of time to work through their grief. Working through grief may involve sharing your feelings with others, including a therapist. It may involve journaling, taking time off of work to rest and heal, and practicing self-care (journaling, catching up on sleep, meditation) as you process your loss.
So where do dreams fit in in the grieving process? First, says Pendergrass, dreams can help us understand some of the more difficult feelings we may be dealing with in our grieving process.
Types of Dreams About Loved Ones Who Passed Away
There are a handful of dreams about loved ones who’ve passed that seem to be fairly universal—i.e., tons of folks seem to have these types of dreams. We asked our experts to weigh in on some of these commonly occurring dreams. Here’s what they had to say:
Reunion Dreams
“In these dreams, the dreamer might interact with the deceased in a normal setting, as if they were still alive,” King says. And what does this typically mean? “This could reflect the dreamer’s desire to reconnect with the person or the person’s continued presence in the dreamer’s subconscious,” King describes.
Dreams Where the Person Is Still Alive
Pendergrass says that it’s common for people who’ve lost loved ones to dream that they are still alive. “In the dream, it could be that their death was a ‘joke’ or a ‘mistake,’” she says. “This usually means that we are still working through true acceptance that the loved one is gone.”
Message Dreams
Many folks have dreams where a loved one appears to be delivering you a message or a piece of advice.1
Wright ST, Kerr CW, Doroszczuk NM, et al. The impact of dreams of the deceased on bereavement: a survey of hospice caregivers. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2014;31(2):132-138. doi:10.1177/1049909113479201 This doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is actually trying to tell you something, King explains. Rather, it usually says something about your own emotional state. “This could reflect the dreamer’s internal dialogue or their desire for guidance,” King explains.
Distressing Dreams
What does it mean if you have a generally distressing or disturbing dream about someone who died? “If the deceased appears distressed or the dream is unsettling, it might indicate the dreamer’s unresolved guilt, anger, or sorrow related to the person,” King says.
Dreams That Take Place in the Past
It’s also fairly common to have a dream about a loved one that takes place in the past, when they were still alive, and you are interacting with them. Past memories may come to the surface in these dreams, Pendergrass notes. “These dreams reflect memories from earlier life that we may still be trying to process and understand,” she explains. “After losing someone, we can be reminded of memories that we never fully made sense of before.”